Using The Power Of Sports To Grow Your Brand And Business

For people who don’t understand me personally, I am a sports enthusiast. Literally. Live and breathe it and have since I was a wee little lad. I’ve always held the belief that the entire world of sports and also business/brands share many attributes and there’s a lot to be learned in the world of sports in regards to the area of marketing/business and so forth.

I have had the honor of interviewing some legendary sports figures such as a Hall of Fame, Super-Bowl winning quarterback and a Hall of Fame, Super-Bowl winning wide receiver, that shared several lessons they heard between the lines which transcend to our universe of marketing fairly cheaply.

Not long ago I talked with somebody with another outlook about the world of sports and marketing and the way the two interacts, Kelvin Joseph, the CMO of Steiner Sports — a business which specializes in assisting businesses out of fresh startups to Fortune 500s utilize the power of sports to cultivate their business.

They do so through many capacities including ability procurement, turnkey event creation, brand activation, and marketing, and much more. Included in the Omnicom Group the heart of Steiner Sports’ value proposal makes it possible for companies to leverage its experience, present associations, and $25 million yearly athlete procurement spend to make marketing efficiencies and optimize limited marketing budgets.

We covered a great deal of ground during our discussion including just how much has changed since 1987, the year Steiner Sports was set, and the way his own fiscal history can help in his function of CMO.

Steve Olenski: After we talked on the telephone you informed me of a change happening in the brand. Could you elaborate on exactly what these changes are?

Kelvin Joseph: Many CMOs want to Prevent the term”rebranding.” Whenever you’re the world leader in a class it becomes your individuality. That’s not a bad thing. By way of instance, was pleased to be the spot to purchase books since they disrupted a whole business within their infancy. Can you think of these as an online bookstore today? Can they rebrand? They leveraged exactly what they were great at to evolve and expand.

We did the specific same thing in sports. Steiner Sports is still the major manufacturer of genuine hand-signed sports memorabilia, but it is not a stretch to think Steiner Sports’ value proposal now enables companies to leverage its experience, present associations, and $25 million yearly athlete procurement spend to make marketing efficiencies and optimize limited marketing budgets.

Olenski: What is the impetus to make these modifications?
Joseph: We are entering a new age of digital transformation in which generating value for the client and changing the consumer experience has become quite crucial for expansion. Change is inevitable, so if you’re not growing then you’re shrinking! We understood that meeting with a star and obtaining an image that may be shared on social media has a greater value and business usage than an autograph.

Steiner Sports decides what sports marketing strategy will benefit the business the most, providing access to the proper athletes and sports possessions at the perfect time, negotiating contracts to get the best prices, and assessing and measuring results to guarantee ROI.

Olenski: Obviously a whole lot has changed since 1987 when the company was established. While I will not ask you to mention ALL the modifications since then, provide the readers the state top 3-5 items which have changed the most from the world of sports marketing because Whitney Houston desired to”dance with someone” and Arnold Schwarzenegger battled with the Predator?

Joseph: In 1987, you needed to have an athlete’s home telephone number and he’d need to be home when you’re called. No internet, no email, no cell phone, without any voicemail (possibly an answering machine). Our creator, Brandon Steiner, needed to endure in parking lots after games and practices for Steiner Sports started. Now, literally and everybody their mom wishes to maintain Sports Marketing. There are a whole lot of”pros” making multi-million buck choices. It is frightening!

Olenski: You get a financial history having served in an auditing function for Ernst & Young to mention one example. How can expertise benefit you in your role as CMO? I’d envision it provides you with an exceptional view into the world of a CFO that maybe other CMOs do not necessarily have?

Joseph: Do you understand why CMOs just last 18-24 months? We have to have the ability to provide a return on marketing investments and articulate our vision in a speech that CFOs know while remaining aligned with the CEO. A CFO is mostly responsible for handling the financial risks of this corporation. This CFO is also in charge of financial planning and record-keeping, in addition to financial reporting to the CEO and board. In some industries, the CFO is also responsible for the evaluation of information.

I am building a reputation as”The Intersection of Sports Marketing and Finance.” As a CPA, former CFO, business operator, present CMO, I am using extensive expertise in business consulting to assist businesses from fresh startups to Fortune 500s market their marketing spend.
Appreciating close personal relationships with specialist teams, celebrity athletes, and sports websites place me in an exceptional position to direct corporate customers to leverage complete or fractional accessibility to proper sports characters and resources to construct their brands via athlete looks, turnkey events, national and local promotions, and digital information. Steiner Sports decides what sports marketing strategy will benefit the business the most, providing access to the proper athletes and sports possessions at the perfect time, negotiating contracts to get the best prices, and assessing and measuring results to guarantee ROI.