A Look Into Georgia’s Mosquito Season

You’re outside on a beautiful summer day with friends and family, finally enjoying quality time together. However, because of insect bites, you are compelled to relocate the meeting indoors. As a Georgia resident, you are familiar with the headaches they cause. They are found in more significant quantities in Georgia than in any other state. However, headaches are not the only effect of this insect; they also spread various diseases throughout the neighborhood, whether in backyards, parks, or baseball fields.

When does the mosquito season begin?

You’ve probably noticed mosquitoes biting you on warm days, which is unfortunate because that’s when it’s most pleasurable to be outside. This is because the weather determines the mosquito season. Mosquitoes become more active when the temperature rises above 50 degrees Fahrenheit.


Mosquitoes are particularly bothersome during the summer months. This is why you need services from MRMR.biz Dunwoody because they flourish in the heat of the day. This means that mosquitoes in Georgia will most likely become active near the end of March or the beginning of April. Only when temperatures fall below 50 degrees, Fahrenheit will the mosquito season officially stop for the year.


Non-hibernating mosquitoes die off over the winter months, and hibernating mosquitoes take refuge in hollow logs or other sites that protect them from the harsh winter conditions.

Mosquito Species Common in Georgia

Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles mosquitoes are the three most common mosquito species in Georgia. The Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes are the most dangerous to humans. The Aedes mosquito species transmit dangerous fever illnesses, such as Chikungunya, Yellow Fever, and Dengue, whereas the Anopheles mosquito species is notorious for infecting the world with malaria. Luckily if you’re from the Decatur area, MRMR.biz Decatur can help you get rid of all of these Mosquito species. 

How to Get Ready for the Mosquito Season

It is preferable to prepare for and prevent a mosquito problem than to deal with an existing mosquito problem. Mosquitoes breed rapidly. As a result, the longer they are allowed to reproduce, the more difficult it will be to remove them.


Here are some mosquito-proofing measures you can take

  • For prompt and professional mosquito population eradication, contact a pest control professional like MRMR.biz in Duluth as well.
  • Remove any standing water from your property. Stagnant ponds are ideal places for mosquitoes to lay eggs and reproduce.
  • After a downpour, fill any holes that are prone to holding water.
  • Clear the gutters of leaves and debris.
  • To keep mosquitos out of your home, make sure your doors and windows are insulated and screened.
  • Cover or remove any objects or outdoor furniture that can gather stagnant water.
  • Maintain the cleanliness of your swimming pool regularly.
  • Use bug lights and mosquito repellent for temporary relief from mosquitos.


With so many mosquitoes in Georgia, the pests aren’t just an irritation; they’re also a health danger when temperatures climb. The most effective way to minimize and remove mosquitoes in your home and yard is to reduce breeding possibilities. To keep mosquitos at bay in your home, use the tips given above. Finally, if more residents meticulously removed standing water from their land, mosquito populations in the state would collapse.